What Almost No One Knows About Dogs

Is Your Dog Eating Grass?

Dogs are carnivores but you will find that these creatures will at times eat grass. This may shock you as to why these pets will eat the grass. Eating of grass is a normal behavior for dogs though not all the dogs may do this. One thing that the vets have not been able to find a reason for is why the dogs will eat the grass. For this reason, there is no definite answer on why these pets sometimes eat grass.

It will not matter if these dogs are feeling fine or if they are unwell, as they will still be seen munching some blades of grass. The dogs today are in no need to hunt so that they survive, and therefore it is speculated that they will munch on the grass as a sign that they lack some nutrients in their diet. For these dogs to overcome the deficiency they have, they will eat the grass. For this reason, many dog owners living in the urban centers will find the grass supplements to give their pets. You will find that your backyard is ruined when you let your dog do their own business in the backyard.

When you find your dog eating grass, it could also be a result of them having an upset stomach. It is speculated that the dogs will eat the grass or also other greens when they are not feeling well so that they induce vomiting. The number of the dogs that will vomit after they have eaten the grass has been found to be only a small percentage.

There may be the simple reason that your pet enjoys eating grass and that is why they are doing it. Eating of grass is not something that all the dogs will do, but most of those that eat the grass will do it because they like it. Taking of the grass will be of no harm to the pet as long as the grass does not have any pesticides. When you have applied some chemicals to your lawn, you need to wait for at least two weeks before the dog can eat the grass again.

You will also realize that these animals will eat grass out of boredom. If the pet is not getting enough exercise and stimulation; they will choose to eat grass to release the boredom. You should ensure that the animal is getting enough of exercise each day, and therefore you should create some time each day for playing with them. The other thing to do is to take the time to get some toys for your dog that will stimulate is both mentally and physically.

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