News For This Month: Fitness

How to Win Big on an Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Program

Intermittent fasting is a trending weight loss program that is fast gaining fans due to its benefits. This type of fasting is a spiritual expression and its effects on a person’s body is inspiring a large population to pick it up as a weight loss program. Consider these tips if you would like to have a successful intermittent fasting weight loss program.

Do not rush your body into it at once. You are bound to shock your body with drastic changes, especially if you are new to fasting, and this can make your body resist your plans. Weight loss is a gradual process and there is no need to rush, take things gradually to safeguard your health in the process. Once you kick off your fasting weight loss program, begin with avoiding breakfasts until skipping lunch can be practical. If you are able to skip both breakfast and lunch easily, proceed to skip your late afternoon snack. Do this until you can comfortably handle the maximum hours you want or your body can handle.

The ideal time to fast is when you are not preoccupied with too many things. When you have too many things that you need to accomplish you use up so much energy that you end up hungry, making you want to eat to stay comfortable and productive. When you do not have many things to do, your body doesn’t use up a lot of energy and this allows you to stretch your fast over extended periods. It might be of great help to you to fast during your vacation because you will not be influenced to eat when you see food and you can easily spend your time doing nothing.

If you combine fasting with exercise, you will burn more fats and experience a significant reduction in your weight. Nonetheless, you need to make sure you do it at the right time to avoid stressing our body. You can choose to exercise either before fasting or breaking your fast. When you decide to exercise before fasting, plan your meals in such a way you get hungry before taking the last meal and exercise then. If you choose to do exercise before breaking your fast, take an energy drink a little before your first meal and hit the gym for a serious workout.

Fasting has an effect on your health, carefully consider your diets. When fasting, you reduce not only the amount of calories you consume, but also nutrients. Pack up your meals with lots of nutrients, vitamins, and balance your diet well. Eat more light foods since they are absorbed fast and provide nutrients to your body adequately, and leave the heavy food items for your last meal before fasting to supply you with energy. Do not forget to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.

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